Learn all about Jabba the Hutt's palace from Star Wars

Bib Fortuna

Bib Fortuna
  • Species:
  • Twi'lek
  • Sex:
  • Male
  • Height:
  • 2m
  • Homeworld:
  • Ryloth
  • Weapon:
  • Hold-out blaster

Bib Fortuna was a male Twi'lek who lived on the desert planet Tatooine. He served as Jabba the Hutt's majordomo and chief of staff for decades, handling all day-to-day operations at the palace.

Early years

Fortuna was born to a prominent Twi'lek clan that had close ties to the criminal underworld, though his more politically minded cousin, Beezer resented his family's associations. Before coming into the service of Hutt crime lord, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Fortuna worked as a slave trader, one who was focused on members of his own species. He became rich from selling his fellow Twi'leks into slavery.

At some point, Fortuna came into Jabba's service and competed against Bidlo Kwerve to become the Hutt's majordomo. Fortuna also gave Jabba his pet rancor, Pateesa as a birthday present. Ultimately, Fortuna succeeded and claimed the job, whereas Kwerve ended up as an early victim of the rancor.

Fortuna served as Jabba's majordomo as far back as the time of the Invasion of Naboo, in 32 BBY. That year, Fortuna attended the Boonta Eve Classic, which his master hosted to commemorate the Boonta Eve holiday. From his master's private balcony, he witnessed the victory of a local human boy named Anakin Skywalker against the reigning champion, Sebulba.

Imperial Era

In the Imperial Era, Jabba welcomed two new smugglers into his employ, the Corellian human, Han Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot, Chewbacca. As the Hutt's majordomo, Fortuna often found himself dealing with the pair, handing them assignments from Jabba and delineating their pay.

Galactic Civil War

Bounty hunter, Boba Fett would later on deliver Han Solo, imprisoned in carbonite to Jabba. Solo had fallen out of favour with the Hutt and would now be used as decoration in his throne room.

In 4 ABY, Fortuna greeted two droid visitors to his master's palace. The two mechanical units, called C-3PO and R2-D2, claimed that they had a gift for the Hutt. The majordomo demanded that they hand over that gift to him so he could bring it to Jabba himself, but the droids answered that their instructions were to give it only to the crime lord himself. Fortuna relented, and led the droids into the throne room, where they delivered a holographic message from their owner, the Rebel hero and fledgling Jedi, Luke Skywalker. In the message, Skywalker asked to bargain for the life of his friend Han Solo, offering C-3PO and R2-D2 in exchange.

Fortuna was present when Princess Leia Organa arrived under the disguise of notorious bounty hunter, Boushh along with a chained Chewbacca, demanding a higher payment for the Wookiee's capture, under the threat of a thermal detonator. He also witnessed Organa's capture when she attempted to free Solo herself. When Luke Skywalker eventually arrived, Fortuna admitted him into the throne room, despite having been given explicit instructions not to do so until after Jabba had finished his nap. Fortuna was influenced by Skywalker's mind trick (though he was not as weak-minded as some of Jabba's other guards). Skywalker only succeeded in his mind trick by finding and exploiting Fortuna's weak point, his strong loyalty to his master, Jabba.

Jabba's death

After Skywalker killed Jabba's Rancor, he was imprisoned and sentenced to death, with Jabba wanting him executed at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Fortuna accompanied Jabba and many of his palace denizens to the pit. Skywalker, Organa, Solo, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Lando Calrissian managed to escape custody, kill Jabba, and destroy his personal sail barge. Though he was presumed to have died in the explosion, Fortuna survived the battle.

By around 9 ABY, Fortuna had gained control of Jabba's palace, having amassed servants and slaves of his own, and become an obese crime lord. After the second rescue of Grogu, Boba Fett and Fennec Shand arrived at the palace, killed Fortuna's guards and released a slave. Fortuna greeted Fett and said he believed the bounty hunter had died, and that he had heard many rumors regarding him. Fett immediately shot Fortuna, killing him and assuming Fortuna's throne in the palace.

Jabba's throne room