Learn all about Jabba the Hutt's palace from Star Wars

"That is scarcely what I would call a palace, Artoo. It looks more like an iron foundry."

- C-3PO

First appearing in Return of the Jedi in 1983, Jabba's Palace was the setting for the film's opening. Princess Leia, disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh, attempts to infiltrate and free Han Solo from the slab of carbonite he's imprisoned in.

However, this leads to her capture and role as a slave plaything of Jabba's. Later Luke Skywalker arrives to finish the job, battling against the crime lord's pet rancor along the way.

The palace, and in patricular the throne room, are iconic settings in cinema history.

Learn more about the motley crew that inhabit it, along with lore and trivia from the palace's many appearances in Star Wars media over the decades.