Learn all about Jabba the Hutt's palace from Star Wars

Ephant Mon

Ephant Mon
  • Species:
  • Chevin
  • Sex:
  • Male
  • Height:
  • 2.5m
  • Homeworld:
  • Vinsoth
  • Weapon:
  • Vibroblade

Ephant Mon was a Chevin male from the planet Vinsoth who worked as a mercenary before deciding it was less dangerous to sell weapons as an arms dealer than it was to use them.

Leaving Vinsoth

Ephant Mon was recruited by mercenaries as a teenager to leave his homeworld of Vinsoth. He eventually changed professions to become an arms dealer and trafficker, forging a reputation for himself by selling usable but obsolete Imperial weapons to anyone who would buy them.

By 10 BBY the Chevin had come to work for the unscrupulous human arms dealer, Masse Goskey at Masse Goskey's Arms Emporium and Explosives Mart in Mos Eisley spaceport on the planet Tatooine. Mon was responsible for acquisitions and product inventory, but a disagreement over the value of HK8 Sawtooth blaster pistols lead to Mon fatally shooting his boss.

Saved by Jabba

Later on, Ephant Mon came to owe his life to the Hutt crime lord, Jabba Desilijic Tiure after the Hutt saved him. The pair had planned to raid an Imperial weapons cache on the icy moon of Glakka, but Jabba soon realized that they had been double-crossed by one of their own, and soon Imperial snowtroopers appeared. Stuck on an icy planet without transport or shelter, Jabba prevented Ephant from freezing by sheltering him within his layers of fat, an act of kindness unusual for any Hutt.

Because of this, the former gun runner felt he owed his utmost loyalty and became Jabba's only true friend; due to their friendship, Mon eventually became the head of security at the Hutt's palace on Tatooine. A member of the Hutt's close circle of comrades, and a dark guest to many of the gatherings at the palace during the Imperial Era, he could often be found flanked by several of Jabba's Gamorrean bodyguards.

Rebels arrive

Ephant was slightly Force-sensitive. While he initially laughed at Leia Organa and Han Solo during the Rebels' mission to retrieve Solo, Mon did not accompany Jabba to the Great Pit of Carkoon, instead preferring to stay at the palace after he sensed the Force in Luke Skywalker. This turned out to be a wise decision as he did not perish on Jabba's barge.

Jabba's throne room